
logo Alive & Thrive

tagline nourish. nurture. grow.

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header, intro

h1: What We Do


intro p: Alive & Thrive works to make good nutrition practices the norm for pregnant mothers, infants and young children. Our programs focus on providing individuals the tools they need to adopt optimal nutrition practices, including greater knowledge, motivation, and support from the communities that surround them. Achieving these kinds of changes at scale requires reaching mothers and families through a carefully selected mix of strategies that you can learn more about in How We Work.

h2: Our Focus

Our work focuses on improving the feeding and care of pregnant women, infants and young children. For pregnant women, this means ensuring a diverse and adequate diet, IFA and calcium supplementation, and weight monitoring during pregnancy. For infants and young children, this means optimal breastfeeding, including early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life, and the timely and adequate introduction of complementary foods at six months of age, with continued breastfeeding through two years of life and beyond.

h2: Our Results

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